Golf Outing at Airways GC on February 4th

Valentines Day Luncheon with Guests at Pardinis on February 11th

Golf Outing at Madera Muni GC on February 18th

Golf Outing at Riverside GC on February 25th

Golf Outing at Airways GC March 4th

Golf Outing at Madera CC on March 18th

Golf Outing at Madera Muni GC on March 25th

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Message from Big Sir

SIR 169 Big SIR Report for January 2025

In this, my first Big Sir report in Branch 169, I first want to thank Ernie Sopp for his excellent work as Big Sir in 2024. He and Luis Rodgriguez made my job very easy. I look forward to working...

Message from Little Sir

Report from Little SIR

I want to start by offering my greatest thanks to our speakers at last month’s lunch meeting, Scott and Linda Phillips. Their presentations on their air force careers and their activities following...

Secretary's Notes


Just a reminder to all members , that it is essential for the life and financial health of our SIR 169  chapter, that we have a positive level of attendance at our monthly lunches.  Your Board of...

New Member Spotlights

Sunshine Reports

Thought For The Day

Thought for the Day: “There are only two ways to live your life, one as though nothing is a miracle. The other as though everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein

Golf Updates

SIR 169 Golf for November 2024

Golf:Complete results and the current schedule can be found on the golf web page:https://sirgcarea29br169.memberplanet.comNovemberr Schedule:Richard Lara is the host for NovemberNovember 5 th Tues...