We had a great attendance to our luncheon, the most in quit awhile (88) it was great to see the room filled with Sirs. We had a very knowledgeable speaker on the history of worlds fairs thanks to our little sir. A big thanks goes out to Dave Hoffman for volunteering to be the assistant treasurer. With the seat filled we are now at full strength. I predict smooth sailing for the rest of the year and more time for fun. See you at the next luncheon, oh by the way we had a miscommunication with the kitchen last meeting and they have agreed to serve us Corn Beef and Cabbage at our next meeting.
We had excellent attendance at our last luncheon, the largest in quit awhile 87 Sirs and one guest. It was great to see so many attend. A big thanks goes out to Dave Hoffman for stepping forward and volunteering to be Assistant Treasurer. That was the last position we needed to fill for this year. I predict smooth sailing for the rest of the year and more time for fun. Keep well and I will see you at our next luncheon.