Golf News from December: (Note: check our new webpage for up to date results)
On December 10th we played a 2man bb and alternate shot format at Dragon Fly Golf Course with the following results:
Two man Best Ball (nine holes) Alternate Ball (nine holes).
1st Place: Scott Barcus-Joe Garcia
2nd Place: Ron Elder-Fred Bates
3rd Place: Tony Williams-Dave Dinsdale
4th Place: Dan Lindstrom-Bob Jones
5th Place: Mick Carrera- Ken Lai
6th Place: Mike Castle-Ron Miller
7th Place: Lee Nichols-Dave Hoffman
Closest to Pin:
Hole #3: Dave Dinsdale 4'0" Ken Lai 15'10"
Hole#5: Ken Lai 13’4" Lee Nichols 16’6"
Hole #16: Bob Jones 8’7" Ken Lai 10’6"
On December 20th we played a Cha Cha Cha format at Sherwood Golf Course with the following results:
1st Place: Scott Barcus, Mike Torigian, Ed Harris, Stan Nappe
2nd Place: Don Laines, Ron Elder, Jim Hiney, Brian Ohde
3rd Place: Tony Williams, John Kascht, John Tracy, Marshall Garth
4th Place: Lee Nichols, Mike O’Connell, Dale Zanovich, Gary Gregory
Closest to Pin:
Hole #4: Joe Russo 8’10” Lee Nichols 18’2”
Hole #13: Bobby Jones 13’3” Jackie Lovato 14’9”
Hole #15: Stan Nappe 9’8” Ed Harris 8’8”
Hole #17: Mike Torigian 7’7” Dave Dinsdale 7’10