On February 3rd we played at Madera

Country Club with the following results:

Flight 1:

First Place: Mel Johnson

Second Place: Pete White

Third Place: Scott Barcus

Flight 2:

First Place: Roger McCoy

Second Place: Fred Bates

Third Place: John Kascht

Flight 3:

First Place: Bob Boguski

Second Place: Mike Torigian

Third Place: Ed Dorn

Flight 4:

First Place: Dale Zanovich

Second Place: Duane Evans

Third Place: Stan Nappe

Closest to Pin:

Hole #4: Mel Johnson 2’4” Eric Wagner 27’11”

Hole #8: Scott Barcus 8’1” Bob Boguski 9’

Hole #14: Ed Dorn 0. 9” Bob Jones 3’10”

Hole #16 Dale Zanovich 5’4” Roger McCoy 14’7”

Congratulation: Mel Johnson once again shot a score below his age!!!!!!


On Febraury 17th we played 4 Man 2bb format at Valley

Oaks in Visalia with the following results:

1st Place: Tony Anello, Ron Elder, Bob Jones and Ed Harris

2nd Place: Bob Large, Bob Facciani, Bob Boguski and Mike


3rd Place: Scott Barcus, Fred Bates, Rick Christl and


Closest to Pin:

Valley Hole # 5: Fred Bates 13’2” Lee Nichols 40’

Valley Hole #7: Ed Dorn 12’5” Pete White 17’2”

Lakes Hole #4: Scott Barcus 14’2” Bob Large 15’

Lakes Hole #7: Ed Harris 11’2” Ken Lai 23’7”