From Ed Dorn, Chair of SIR 169 Golf Committee:
I've received word from Mike Moyle that for this year's first NCGA Associate events that SIRs are limited to one team per Area. Our area includes the other Fresno branches as well as the Bakersfield branch. The first event would be an April qualifier for fourball (2ManBB) teams if more than one team is interested. Teams must be submitted to Mike or myself ASAP. The maximum HI is 18.4 or play to an 18.4. The second NCGA event is for the 4Man2BB tournament and the same qualifications hold for this event and an Area qualifier might be needed also in May.
When setting up your teams for Scramble, both Sir State and NCGA allow a player to play up but not down. That is if for example your index is a 17.7 (B) you may choose to play up to a 17.0 (A) in which case your CH will be calculated on 17.0.
I am now open to taking the names for both 4-Man team Scramble in May, which is also the qualifier for the Sir State Team Championship, and for the new branch 2-Man championship in June. Send those teams to me by email. Those not on a hand picked team and playing on the given days will be randomly placed on teams for the day's competition.
The splits for the AB from the CD categories looks like ABs, 0-22 and CDs 22.1 and up. Any pair within the ABs or CDs is allowable. For the 4-Man team Scramble, A's 0-17, B's 17.1-22, C's 22.1-27, and D's 27.1-38.
Also of note, on the Sir State Calendar in April on 19 & 20 will be the Springtime in Napa event open to all Sir & Family women included, where a different course each day. In June will be the annual Reno Tournament, dates still tbd. Check the State golf page for info and applications as available.
Duke Marshall - 559 447-5388
Brian Nicholson - 285-8928
Russ Conrad - 917-1199