Not much to report for June. At the 6 month point all reports for membership, personnel, accounting and
quarterlies have been sent to the State organization. Congratulations to Roy Grijalva for being one of the
BEC reps from 179.
On a personal note, I had the privilege of playing in the Napa tournament with Mike Panella as my partner. We had a great time and played with another Sir, Jeff Imperial from the Santa Cruz area. We had
such a good time that Jeff contacted us to see if we were playing in Reno. I only mention this for you to
see that golf friends can be made outside of Fresno and would encourage any Sir to participate in the
State tournaments. I have the Napa and Reno tourneys on my 2025 calendar.
June starts the summer weather. Stay cool and drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. Take Gator Aid
with you to the golf course.
Ernie Sopp, BIG SIR
Additionally, our current Asst Treasurer has informed us, that due to health reasons , he will be resigning
his position, as soon as possible. Anyone interested in becoming the Assistant Treasurer should speak
with either Ernie or Nick( the Treasurer) to express their interest. We appreciate all the hard work
Duane has contributed to both the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer positions over the past years. All
the best to Duane.