Hello Sirs. I hope this message finds everyone enjoying the Thanksgiving Holiday and getting ready for
Christmas. As usual just when I think I don’t have anything to say, something happens I think everyone
needs to know.
Wednesday morning I received an e-mail from my bank saying they were processing my request for a
new credit card with the same last 4 digits. The only problem was that I hadn’t called them to replace my
Upon inquiring with the fraud department, I found out that the bank had received a call from New York
at 7:40 AM. I told the gentleman that 7:40 eastern time is 4:40 pacific time and I assured him I was
asleep. He immediately put a stop on the request and had to issue me another card with a new number.
When I asked him how they could have processed the call he said they had to give the 3 digit SECURITY
NUMBER on the back. I also asked what address the card was being mailed to. He said to the address on
the account. I told him isn’t that kind of stupid to have it sent to my home address. He said they probably
would try to get the mail before I had.
I say this because with the buying season upon us and with the rash of cards being used to “get those
points” anything can happen. So please be carful!!!! I wouldn’t want anyone to have this happen to
Have a great holiday. See you at the Christmas Luncheon.
Ernie Sopp
Big SIR, Branch 169
The G