SIRS 169 GOLFING- AIRWAYS RESULTS – November 28, 2017

Format – Two Man Teams (6 Holes Best Ball); (6 Holes Alternate Shot); (6 Holes Scramble)

1st……. Louis Dominguez and Gary Gregory………………………………71

2nd…..Robert Jones and Marshall Garth……………………………………73

3rd…..Mick Carrera and Mike Torgian……………………………………….74

4th…..Brian Ohde and John Kascht……………………………………………75

4th….Don Laines and Dick Williams…………………………………………..75

4th….Pete White and Stan Nappe…………………………………………….75

4th….Scott Barcus and Tom Connors………………………………………..75

8th….Joe Russo and Ken Myers………………………………………………..76

9th…Ron Miller and Bob Facciani…………………………………………….77

10th…..Eric Wagner and Dave Dinsdale…………………………………..78

11th…Tom Lean and Bob Lung………………………………………………..79

11th…Stevan Iler and Mike O’Connell………………………….…………79

13th…Ron Elder and Ed Harris…………………………………….….………80


Hole 5………………………1st……Mick Carrera………12’ 6”               2nd…….Ron Miller……..13’ 8”

Hole7……………………….1st…...Louis Dominguez…8’ 10”             2nd ……Pete White……..10’ 11”

Hole11…………………….1st…….Dave Dinsdale…….5’ 10”              2nd……Robert Jones……8’ 3”

Hole 15……………………1st…….Joe Russo……….….20’ 10”