Area 19 All Branch Championship October 26th

It’s time to start forming your teams to represent your SIR Branch for this year’s All Branch Championship.  Last year was the first time in years that all 4 SIR Branches of our Area 19 were represented at the match.  As some might recall, Branch 179 walked away with...

Final Standings for SIR 169 Branch Championship

    Low Gross:  (top five) Jackie Lovato         240 John Tracy             243 Louis Dominguez   244 Robert Shoop         245 Dan Lindstrom        247 Low Net  (top five) John Tracy               178 Jackie Lovato           189 Louis Dominguez     197 Jim...

Results of Golf Outing at Dragonfly GC on 9-5-17

1rst Place: Scott Barcus, Ron Miller, Ed Dorn, Jim Bourbon...........254 2nd Place: Bob Large, Mick Carrera, Mike Torigian, Bo Boehringer..........258 3rd Place: Mike Castle, Tony Williams, Mike O'Connell, Ed Harris.....     .259 CTP 3 David Dinsdale.    11'5" Don...

Current Standings for Branch 169 Golf

Low Gross: Jackie Lovato              240 Louis Dominguez        244 Robert Shoop              245 John Tracy                   245 Dan Lindstrom              247 Low Net: John Tracy                   178 Jackie Lovato               189 Louis Dominquez          197...