Golf April 2023

Don Laines is the host for MarchMarch 7th 9:00 Airways 2man 2bbMarch 21st 9:00 Madera Golf CC ScramblesMarch 28th 9:00 Madera Muni Cha Cha Cha Thank You to Ken Myers for hosting in February

March 2023 Couples Night Out

The next Couple’s Nite Out dinner will be on March 16th at 6:00 at the George’s Bar and Grill located at 6680 N. Blackstone Ave., Fresno. Contact Ed Dorn or sign up at the March luncheon for this fun evening.

Golf March 2023

NCGA Dues: Your NCGA dues are now due. If you are renewing, the cost is $45 payable to Sirs Golf169. You can bring a check to the luncheon or mail it to Ed Dorn at 10418 N. Sinclair Cr., Fresno, Ca.93730Complete results and the current schedule can be found on the...

February 2023 Couples Dine Out

Couples Nite Out The next Couple’s Nite Out dinner will be on February 16th at 6:00 at Vino Grille and Spirits Restaurant located at 1440 E. Champlain Dr., Fresno.   Contact Ed Dorn or sign up at the February luncheon for this fun evening.

Golf February 2023

NCGA Dues: Your NCGA dues are now due. If you are renewing, the cost is $45 payable to Sirs Golf169. You can bring a check to the luncheon or mail it to Ed Dorn at 10418 N. Sinclair Cr., Fresno, Ca.93730Complete results and the current schedule can be found on the...