by Ed Dorn | Apr 7, 2023 | Golf
Don Laines is the host for MarchMarch 7th 9:00 Airways 2man 2bbMarch 21st 9:00 Madera Golf CC ScramblesMarch 28th 9:00 Madera Muni Cha Cha Cha Thank You to Ken Myers for hosting in February
by Ed Dorn | Mar 7, 2023 | Couples Night Out
The next Couple’s Nite Out dinner will be on March 16th at 6:00 at the George’s Bar and Grill located at 6680 N. Blackstone Ave., Fresno. Contact Ed Dorn or sign up at the March luncheon for this fun evening.
by Ed Dorn | Mar 7, 2023 | Golf
NCGA Dues: Your NCGA dues are now due. If you are renewing, the cost is $45 payable to Sirs Golf169. You can bring a check to the luncheon or mail it to Ed Dorn at 10418 N. Sinclair Cr., Fresno, Ca.93730Complete results and the current schedule can be found on the...
by Ed Dorn | Feb 7, 2023 | Dining Out
Couples Nite Out The next Couple’s Nite Out dinner will be on February 16th at 6:00 at Vino Grille and Spirits Restaurant located at 1440 E. Champlain Dr., Fresno. Contact Ed Dorn or sign up at the February luncheon for this fun evening.
by Ed Dorn | Feb 7, 2023 | Golf
NCGA Dues: Your NCGA dues are now due. If you are renewing, the cost is $45 payable to Sirs Golf169. You can bring a check to the luncheon or mail it to Ed Dorn at 10418 N. Sinclair Cr., Fresno, Ca.93730Complete results and the current schedule can be found on the...