by Jim Forden | Dec 9, 2019 | Board Reports
SIR 169 EXEC BOARD MINUTES September 2019
by Jim Forden | Oct 14, 2019 | Travel
Turlock Branch 143 is reaching out and inviting SIRs from other Branches to join us in our RV trips and here are the details: We have some openings, 7 as today, for our trip to Wine Country, Paso Robles, Oct. 20-25…. And extend an invitation to your Branch’s...
by Jim Forden | Oct 3, 2019 | News & Reports
Anyone who might be interested in becoming an officer on our Board, and/or becoming more active member on one our Committees is encouraged to attend this session. Just tell the Big SIR, Lee Nichols, or Little SIR, Jacky Lovato of your interest and you will be...
by Jim Forden | Sep 11, 2019 | Secretary Notes
Just a reminder. Please review the personal information listed in the Directories that were distributed at our June meeting. Check to make certain that the personal data listed beside your name and picture are correct. Please let me know if any corrections or...
by Jim Forden | Sep 11, 2019 | Board Reports