Minutes of the March 2017 Executive Board Meeting

SIR CHAPTER 169 EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING MINUTES   Date:  March 14, 2017 ATTENDING: Mike Barabe, Rick Christl, Duane Evans, Jim Forden, Dave Hoffman, Bernie Hollenbeck, Brian Kelley, Walt Parrish, Luis Rodriquez, Ernie Sopp GUEST(S):  Jim Hiney Area 29 Governor; Allan...

Travel Insurance on SIR organized and/or hosted trips

RULE 369. a. To provide adequate funding for insurance coverage for each event involving travel outside the United States (including its Territories and Possessions), Canada and Puerto Rico, contracted by SIR, or any of its Branches, a $27.00 insurance add-on shall be...

RAMP Booklet Now Available

015, State SIR Officed developed a booklet titled, RAMP – A Toolkit for Building Our Branches.   The booklet, now updated, can be accessed at: http://sirinc.org/MemInfo/RAMP_Toolkit_2017.pdf. ,  or by clicking on the following link:  RAMP_Toolkit_2017 Final.pdf  ...