SIR 169 Board of Directors for 2017

  The following are the list of officers and at large board members for 2017: Big SIR-Mike Barabe Little SIR-Rick Christl (Also Membership Chairman) Secretary-Jim Forden; Assistant Secretary-Luis Rodriguez Treasurer-Dave Hoffman; Assistant Treasurer-Duane Evans...

Results: Golf Outing at Airways GC on 11/29/2016

SIR Branch 169 Golf Outing at Airways GC on 11/29/2016 Flight 1 H.I. Net Scores   Place Closest to the Pin Scott Barcus 10.4 71 Lee Nichols 10.4 73 #5 Jackie Lovato 6'2" Pete White 12.5 71        Brian Kelly 6'5" Jackie Lovato 15.1 66                   1rst Don Laines...

Golfing Event at Dragon Fly

Next Tuesday at Dragon Fly GC will be a Two Man Best Ball for Nine Holes then Two Man Alternate Ball for Nine Holes.  This a 10:am Shotgun start. To be added or removed from the roster contact Host, Mike Torigian  439 2300 or reply to this email no...


 Our Digital Media/Computer Group meets on 5/24/16 1 PM in the "River Room" at Woodward Park Library 944 East Perrin Ave, Fresno. All SIR Branches, Wives and Guests are welcome. This will be the fourth Tuesday instead of the normal third Tuesday since I will be in...