Golf Outing at Airways GC on November 28th

SIRS 169 GOLFING- AIRWAYS RESULTS – November 28, 2017 Format – Two Man Teams (6 Holes Best Ball); (6 Holes Alternate Shot); (6 Holes Scramble) 1st……. Louis Dominguez and Gary Gregory………………………………71 2nd…..Robert Jones and Marshall Garth……………………………………73 3rd…..Mick...

SIR 169 2018 Golf Schedule

Attached is the golf schedule for 2018.  The Sunnyside tournaments are hosted by Branch 159.  The Fig Garden tournaments will be a joint event with Branch 159.  We will work out the details later.  Also, you will see that the times are different for some events than...

Results of Golf Outing at Pheasant Run on 10-16-17

heasant Run Results 10.17.17   1st   Place:  Jackie Lovato, Tony Williams, Jim Forden, Dick Williams 2nd Place:  Fred Bates, Steve Iller, Ron Miller 3rd Place:  Mel Johnson, Dennis Ensminger, Jim Bourbon   Closest to Pin: Hole # 4:  Mike O’Connell 4’6”    Mike...

Area 19 All Branch Championship October 26th

It’s time to start forming your teams to represent your SIR Branch for this year’s All Branch Championship.  Last year was the first time in years that all 4 SIR Branches of our Area 19 were represented at the match.  As some might recall, Branch 179 walked away with...