NCGA Fees Now Due for 2020

Reminder:  NCGA dues ($39.00) are now due.  You can pay by check made out to: “Sirs 169 Golf “or go on line to the golf web page and pay by credit card.  

Couples Night Out at Georges on 12/12

The next Couple’s Nite Out dinner will be December 12th at George’s Bar and Grill located at 6680 N. Blackstone, Fresno.  Dinner is at 6:30.   Contact Ed Dorn at 433-0670 or email him at: or sign up at the December luncheon for this fun...

2020 NGCA Golf Fees Now Due

Reminder: NCGA dues ($39.00) are now due. You can pay by check made out to: “Sirs 169 Golf “ or go on line to the golf web page and pay by credit card.

Turlock Chapter RV Club Invitation

Turlock Branch 143 is reaching out and inviting SIRs from other Branches to join us in our RV trips and here are the details: We have some openings,  7 as today,      for our trip to Wine Country,  Paso Robles, Oct. 20-25….  And extend an invitation to your Branch’s...

2019 Branch Champions

Congratulations to Scott Barcus for winning the Branch Golf Championship 2019. Bob Large was second and Dan Lindstrom and Jackie Lovato tied for third place. Congratulations also to John Tracy for winning the low net for 2019. Ed Harris was second and Bob Large took...