Pool & Billiards

Pool GroupContact Ted Fox (298-3179) if you are interested in joining the pool group. Groupmeets every Tuesday for breakfast then pool. Meet at Yosemite Falls for breakfastat 1000, then pool at “The Rack” at 1100.

Poker Group

Poker Group Contact Ed Dorn, Jim Hiney or Ted Fox if you are interested in joining the poker group. We currently play once a month, the Wednesday following the luncheon, rotating houses. Contact us at the monthly SIR 169 luncheons.

Golf May 2023

Complete results and the current schedule can be found on the golf web page:https://sirgcarea29br169.memberplanet.comMay Schedule:Brian Ohde is the host for MayMay 2 nd 8:00 Dragon Fly 4man 2bbMay 16 th 8:00 Airways Lone RangerMay 23 rd 8:00 Valley Oaks ShamblesMay 30...