by Scott Barcus | Apr 28, 2021 | Big SIR, News & Reports
To SIR Branch 169 Membership---May, 2021 The members of SIR Branch 169 Executive Board invite you to our May Luncheon catered by Pardini’s Catering. The staff at Pardini’s are looking forward to hosting us for our first luncheon in many months. We really hope to...
by Ed Dorn | Apr 7, 2021 | Committee Reports, Golf
From ED DORN: For the last 7 or 8 years Mick and I have been doing the pairings for golf for the three branches. We are ready to teach someone new how to do this work on Golf Genius. All you need are some computer skills and patience as you learn the process. ...
by Jim Forden | Apr 5, 2021 | Board Reports
SIR CHAPTER 169 EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING MINUTES Date: 2/9/2021 Big SIR, Scott Barcus called the meeting to order at 9:35 am Attending: Scott Barcus; Ed Dorn, Duane Evans; Jim Forden; Ted Fox;; Jim Hiney; Bob Large; Dan Lindstrom; Lee Nichols; Luis Rodriguez CALL...
by Jim Forden | Apr 5, 2021 | Board Reports
SIR CHAPTER 169 EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING MINUTES Date: 1/12/2021 Big SIR, Scott Barcus called the meeting to order at 9:37 am Attending: Scott Barcus; Ed Dorn, Duane Evans; Jim Forden; Ted Fox;; Jim Hiney; Bob Large; Dan Lindstrom; Jackie Lovato;; Lee Nichols;...
by Jim Forden | Apr 5, 2021 | Secretary Notes
As we near the day when all our SIR 169 folks can get together again for our monthly luncheon and other activities, let us keep in mind that the COVID 19 epidemic may shortly be on the wane, but is not over. Let us all encourage our friends and loved ones to take the...
by Jim Forden | Mar 31, 2021 | Secretary Notes
As we near the day when all our SIR 169 folks can get together again for our monthly luncheon and other activities, let us keep in mind that the COVID 19 epidemic may shortly be on the wane, but is not over. Let us all encourage our friends and loved ones to take the...