by Jackie Lovato | Aug 17, 2020 | Big SIR
Greetings Fellow Sirs As we enter the latter part of our hot summer, I hope everyone is staying safe and well. Your Board Executive Committee (BEC) , are meeting monthly trying to determine when we can safely restart the rest of our activities. Golf is the only...
by Scott Barcus | Aug 17, 2020 | Message From Little Sir
The theme of this August, 2020 Little Sirs article will communicate that withdrawals can occur in some really strange ways. Recent information says that the 2020 College Football season will be cancelled or moved to the spring of 2021. Our local high school football...
by Scott Barcus | Jun 15, 2020 | Message From Little Sir
My last golf outing was March 11. I will confess to swinging a club and hitting a few balls in the interim. Mostly, I have mowed fire breaks in preparation for the fire season; Pruned trees to prepare for the fire season; With the late rains we have plenty of growth,...
by Jackie Lovato | Jun 15, 2020 | Big SIR
To our fellow Sirs, we hope this finds you safe and healthy. We've had to adapt to the COVID 19 pandemic. We held our first * Birthdays Executive Committee (BEC) meeting via ZOOM last week. We're looking at reopening some of our activities next month *New Members...
by Jim Forden | Jun 10, 2020 | News & Reports
In accordance with SIR statewide guidelines, the Chapter 169 Board has approved a plan to resume our luncheons, golf, dining out, travel and other activities as soon as permitted to do so by the Fresno area and State authorities. Check the Newsletter and this web...
by Jim Forden | Jun 10, 2020 | Board Reports