SIR Statewide Annual Meeting August 25,2021

Live Longer, Live Happier, Join SIR July 24, 2021 To: All Attendees for the 2021 Annual Meeting Fellow SIR Leaders,   Our Annual meeting is August 25, 2021!     The Annual Meeting will be from 9.00 am to about 12 Noon via Zoom (the Zoom information...

State SIR Newsletter

Gentlemen, Like your Branches, SIR State has a newsletter. It is called the SIR Happenings. There is a lot of useful information and towards the back are some articles about some branches from around the state. Click the button below to get the newsletter (after you...

State SIR Web Update

Policies & Procedures (P&P)(Rules:) New P&P passed at the latest State Board Meeting. Whats New On The Web: New Banner on, New option to link to SIR Online Learning,...