News & Reports

Included here are initial or summary statements that enable the user to browse among the most recent reports and news items posted to our site.

Secretary’s Note:

As we near the day when all our SIR 169 folks can get together again for our monthly luncheon and other activities, let us keep in mind that the COVID 19 epidemic may shortly be on the wane, but is not over.  Let us all encourage our friends and loved ones to take the...

Message from the Big SIR

Gentlemen: I joined SIR Branch 169 in early 2004. My sponsor was Don Morgan, and with his incredible energy and encouragement…”Hey, come and check it out. We have a lot of fun… golfing, a monthly luncheon, some great guys to meet and get to know.” I joined in the...

Greetings from New Big SIR Scott Barcus

Greetings fellow Sirs, Branch 169 January, 2021 If the year 2020 had a lesson to teach us, it might be that it is important to set goals, consider options, and look ahead. A quote from General Dwight D. Eisenhower to provide perspective: “I have always found that...

Creek Fire Fund Drive

It’s been a tough year for all of us and to some, it doesn’t seem like Christmas. One way to feel better is to do something good for someone else. Isn’t that what Christmas is all about? COVID 19 has changed our way of life and we haven’t been able to socialize with...

End of 2020 Message from Big SIR

To my fellow Sirs, I hope you had a Blessed Thanksgiving Holiday. As we enter December, I want to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for the privilege to serve as your Big Sir this past year....