News & Reports

Included here are initial or summary statements that enable the user to browse among the most recent reports and news items posted to our site.

Message from Little SIR

At our August meeting we learned about technology and a very dynamic company operating in Fresno. Beth Mily, CEO of Geekwise Academy, informed us about all of the innovative things that her company is doing. In September we will have Neil Vanderpool, Dean of Fresno...

August Message from the Little SIR

At our July meeting we had Don Larson, retired history instructor at Fresno City College, speak to us about patriotism. He was well received by the group and received lots of good questions. This month the speaker will be Beth Mily from Bitwise Industries talking to...

Notes from the Little SIR

At our June meeting we had Patrolman Johnny Fisher from the California Highway Patrol.  Everyone seemed to enjoy his presentation and he received a lot of good questions from the members. At the July meeting we have invited Don Larson to give a presentation on...

Minutes of May Meeting of SIR 169 Executive Board

SIR CHAPTER 169 EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING MINUTES   Date:  May 9, 2017  Big SIR, Mike Barabe called the meeting to order at 10:30 am ATTENDING: Mike Barabe, Rick Christl, Duane Evans, Jim Forden, Dave Hoffman, Bernie Hollenbeck, Walt Parrish, Luis Rodriquez, Ernie Sopp...

Minutes of the March 2017 Executive Board Meeting

SIR CHAPTER 169 EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING MINUTES   Date:  March 14, 2017 ATTENDING: Mike Barabe, Rick Christl, Duane Evans, Jim Forden, Dave Hoffman, Bernie Hollenbeck, Brian Kelley, Walt Parrish, Luis Rodriquez, Ernie Sopp GUEST(S):  Jim Hiney Area 29 Governor; Allan...

April Message from the Little SIR

At our March meeting the Chief Development Officer of the Fresno Rescue Mission was our speaker. She was very informative about the challenges the homeless face and how the Mission is there to help those in need. It is a wonderful organization. I don’t know how...