On Thursday, 6/26, I participated in a state zoom meeting that was centered on the direction of SIRs as an organization Rather than give a report at this time, I will wait to get
slides of the presentation and combine that with my notes to have a report in the next
newsletter. Suffice to say, the organization appears to be at a crossroads; needing to grow
the organization while maintaining local autonomy to do what is in the best interest of the
local. I’ve talked with John Eleazarian and the subject will come up at the BEC with information to go out to the membership for input.

I will be out of the country for the month of July (so don’t call me Bernie) and the Little Sir,
John Eleazarian will take my place for the BEC and luncheon meeting. Have a great 4th. I’ll
be thinking of the ol’ USA while I am overseas.
Ernie Sopp
Big SIR, Branch 169