There was no official Board Meeting held in December. However an emergency
Board meeting was held via Zoom on December 22, 2021 to discuss several key issues.
First: Increase in price for lunch at Pardini’s. Together with the price increase and the need
to insure a smooth and efficient check-in procedure it was determined that the luncheon fee
would be set at $20.00. This will include the meal cost and a portion of the annual dues.
Those that may have already paid their full annual dues will have their dues returned or you
can simply us that to pay for one of your monthly lunches.
Second: Mask Requirement. The State of California has implemented a masking requirement

through January 15, 2022. As required by the State SIR announcement, all SIR indoor func-
tions must comply with the masking requirement. Since our January luncheon is within the

time frame we will require masks to be worn upon entry, but as soon as you are seated
masks may then be removed.
Lastly: Our February luncheon will not be held on our typical 2nd Tuesday, scheduling issue

with Pardini’s. So the board has decided to reschedule for either the 2nd Monday or Wednes-
day. We will advise you as to the new date as soon as finalized.