To: All Members of SIR
From: State President Rick Kindle
 July 7, 2022
To all SIR members
With much regret, I must inform you of the recent resignation of our State SIR Vice-President Dave Gonzales due to personal reasons. Dave has been one of the hardest-working Vice Presidents I have seen. He would take on any job asked of him and he continues to be a great friend.  Many of you worked closely with Dave and learned to respect his leadership skills, knowledge, and experience.
Today, our State SIR Executive Committee met, and we unanimously voted to approve the appointment of Dale Decker, currently Director of Region 2, to the position of Vice-President for the remainder of 2022. Our State Board will be asked to ratify this action at its July 14 meeting.
Dale has been active in SIR for the last 13.5 years, serving as a Big Sir for Sonora Branch No. 136, Governor of Area 5, Director of Region 2, and Chairman of the State Policy and Procedures Committee.
For those submitting Expense Vouchers (Form15), please now forward them to Dale. We will ensure the send-to instructions are changed on the Website Forms page. Please also include Dale in any future correspondence you would have sent to Dave.
Here is Dale’s contact information:
Dale D. Decker, 10338 Slate Rim Rd, Sonora, CA 95370
DALEDFTG@GMAIL.COM  209-533-0455