This is the first edition of 2019 State Roster.  The officers section is incomplete and therefore poorly displayed.  It will be much better next month.  We have kept the last 2018 roster on the web in case you need it for reference. FYI we publish the 2019 roster now so that training and others will know who the 2019 administrators will be. The branch section is accurate except for

Dwight Sale, Publisher

Branch Secretaries, please note State Roster Awards paragraph

State Administrator please check your listing in committees in the State Roster.  Pay particular attention to years of service and years in SIR.  If I don't have your Joined date please reply with that information.  Come on guys.  Since 2 years ago when I asked for this information I have had one response.  Half the listings have no Joined Date

Directors and Governors please see 2019Branches by Region and Area: for branch listings sorted by Region and Area.  There is a pdf and a word versions so that you may modify to fit your purpose.

Be sure to refresh the page/s otherwise you may get last month's Documents
The date on the first page of the Roster should be "Edition 9/22/18"

A Password is required for the Roster, Branch Data Sheets and Region Maps.
User name:      sirinc
Password:        greatbird
Check the box "Remember my password" (or a similar phrase) and your computer will remember all this so you don't have to.

Note that all user names and passwords are lower case with no spaces.

New rules passed at the latest State Board Meeting.

State Roster:
Has all the State Officers and State Committees listed and  Years in SIR as well as Years in the particular service like Rules Committee as well as Branch Administrators, the date Joined Sir for all Branch member listing, Honorary Life Members (HLMs), Senior awardees and Past Presidents along with photos of current elected officers.  The last several pages lists the area and region for all branches as well as the geographic location for all regions and areas and a new section showing locations by Region-Area and Branch.  Give a look see - you will find it interesting.  Please check on your Branch and personal information to make sure it is all in order.  If you find an error please reply to this email with the correction.  Be sure to identify yourself other wise I may not know who you are.

State Roster Awards:
We list members that have been awarded certificates for Honorary and Senior Honorary Life Members (HLM) , Senior Sir (90 years old and above), Super Senior Sir(95 and above) and Century Sir(100 and above).  If a Branch Secretary has not done this recently he can help us by checking to see if we are listing members that are no longer with us.  Just reply to the Database Manager, Dwight Sale atDWIGHT.SALE@COMCAST.NET with the man's name and circumstance like date of death or resigned date etc.  Dates are important, please do the best you can.  If you have members that should have a Senior Award have your Big Sir submit Form 6.  to the Assistant State Secretary, Ron Flagel.  4201 Brennen Ct, Salida, CA 95368. Ron sends the Senior Honorary Life Member award certificate (10 years an HLM) directly to the Branch Big Sir and requires no application.

Please help us by looking at HLMs for Branch zero.  Please tell me if you know the whereabouts of any of these HLMs.  I found one that would be 115 years old.  I doubt that he is still with us.

Region Maps: Note: Maps are incorrect now.  Corrections will be made when Region-Area reorganizations are complete.  Say 10/1/18
Then click on "Region Maps".  We have developed a sheet for every region with a map that displays every branch in the regions located geographically.  The branches are color coded with a color for every area.  In addition is a written description of the region and area with a mileage between the most widely separated branches.  Your comments would be welcome.

Branch Locator by City:
The  Branch Locator by City lists all active Branches by its meeting place city including the meeting place address, when the branch meets and the Big Sirs contact information.  Note that some branches list the city where they meet for the monthly luncheon as well as a city that is more appropriate and for which they wish to be known.  If you wish such a listing for your branch just reply with the information and I will set it up.

Branches by Region and Area:
Governors and Directors will find Branches by Region and Area very useful.  It is the same as the regular State Roster except it is sorted by Region and Area.  For instance, you may print out all the details of Branches in your area so that you have all the addresses in a handy few pages.  In addition we have added a  version that may be opened using Word so that you may copy and paste to a separate document that you may be using.

Membership Statistics:
Number of active members listed for various time periods.

Branch Data Sheets:
Just about everything about a Branch.  A must to have if visiting a Branch.

Dwight Sale
Database Mgr.,  SIRinc