The meeting was called to order by Lee Nichols at 10:30 am.

The Minutes of the February board meeting were distributed and reviewed. Board moved approval.

Members present: Lee Nichols, Eric Wagner, Bernie Hollenbeck, Louis Dominguez, Luis Rodriguez, Jim Hiney, Jim Seay and

Walter Parish

Treasures report: $3,247.93 balance available 2/28/2015. Detailed treasure’s report presented to the board and reviewed by

Luis Dominguez. Board moved approval.

The Board moved the following items for approval after discussion. 1. Membership dues would be prorated by quarter January to

March $20; April to June $15; July to September $10 and October to December $5. 2. All money collected from those that paid

for a printed copy of the newsletter will be refunded ( This service has been suspended at this time ). 3. The two dollars

additional for the Christmas luncheon will not be charged this year. 4. Lee Nichols requested that moving forward there will be

quarterly committee reports. These reports will commence upon completion of finalization of committee membership.

Membership report: Dave Dinsdale was presented to the board. Board moved approval of membership.

Sunshine Report: Bernie Hollenbeck presented the following Members to keep in our thoughts and prayers, Charlie Hipwell,

Andy Anderson and Frank Ketcham.